Maciej Manowiecki, born in 1944, M. Eng. – graduate of technical and artistic studies in Kraków. From 1973 founder of Studio and Gallery of Sculpture, and in 1977 awarded a diploma and title of Master of Artistic Crafts.

    Artistic objects designed by Maciej Manowiecki are sculptures made of linden wood and also of metal. They also comprise unique works of applied art. These objects are characterised by a variety of artistic forms, lightness of style, excellent modern themes as well as colours, adjusted to individual tastes of the clients. In his work the artist pays special attention so that his works make a modern, inexpensive and at the same time aesthetic element of habitable interiors, objects of public utility, gardens, and the like.

    The sculptor draws inspiration from the surrounding world of nature which is the main theme of his work, namely plants, animals, birds, fish. The indirect impulse of his artistic work, on the other hand, is folk sculpture, especially regional and sacral.

    His main material is wood, as well as its combination with metal. Wood fascinates the artist due to the fact that it is art itself and his task as an artist is to manifest its natural beauty and simplicity. This is because he thinks that beauty is about simplicity, and natural simplicity approaches the ideal image.

    Maciej Manowiecki’s work is characterised by great expression which stimulates the recipient’s imagination, at the same time giving him numerous aesthetic experiences by the fabulous range of colours. The artist strives to achieve the best possible expression with most economic and simple means. He has elaborated his own techniques of expression and is a master of formal foreshortening, as well as the artist who constantly searches for new solutions.

    Artistic objects created with the thought of a prospective purchaser have a significant value of being well adjusted to being transported, as they consist of elements that can be easily assembled by the client. The sculptures are made for various occasions and they make up separate cycles: the world of animals, birds, plants, fish, sacral sculpture, small sculptural forms, abstractions, tapestry, pen drawings, objects of applied art, garden and interior arrangements. In each of them the artist uses different materials and, for instance combines wood with metal, metal with stone, stone with glass or he uses wood only. What is very much in fashion nowadays are angels of various sizes, forms and colours, both standing and hanging. The elements that are particularly Polish in their character are triptychs, holy images and music bands – folk orchestras. The sculptures are very popular as original and fashionable souvenirs and gifts.

    All the artistic objects are hand-made and have attests granted by National Artistic and Ethnographic Commission in Kraków.

    The creative output of Maciej Manowiecki can be seen at his subsequent exhibitions and in his private gallery “God-forsaken world”, which has its place in Jawornik 589, close to the road from Kraków to Myślenice.